Why I listened to 62 hobby podcasts in 8 days

Since I started last March posting each morning on Instagram a list of new sports-card podcast episodes, I’m occasionally asked two questions.

First, why do I do it? 

Second, how do I listen to them all?

As for “why?”, John Newman and I will talk about that early next month on an episode of his Sports Card Nation podcast.

As for how I listen to them all? The answer is, I don’t. I subscribe to nearly 50 card podcasts. This ensures I know when a new episode drops so I can promote them each morning. But I don’t listen to them all because A) I don’t like them all, and B) Even if I did like them all, I don’t have time to listen to that many.

At least that’s what I told myself. To know for sure, last week I conducted an experiment. Over eight days, from Sunday, Aug. 13-Sunday, Aug. 20, I listened to every sports-card episode that came into my feed.

In total, over eight days I listened to 62 podcasts. Total run time: 54 hours, 55 minutes.

I took this on for a couple of reasons. First, I wanted to know what it felt like to consume every episode of every hobby podcast that I’m aware of in one week. Second, I’m allergic to lying. I hate it, and when I told people I didn’t have time to listen to them all, until conducting this experiment I didn’t know if that was actually true.

Later in this post I’m going to share what I learned about hobby content as well as myself, but first, let’s get a few details out of the way:

• As always, I skipped over ad reads and advertisements.

• My life conditions for the week made this experiment possible: I was off work most of the week, my wife was out of town for work much of the week, and our kids were busy with work and activities. I had a lot of time to myself.

• Although I listened to a decent chunk of the 62 pods at 1x speed, I listened to most at 1.5 speed and a handful at 2x.

• I took notes for all 62 podcasts to help sort through my thoughts. Those notes—verbatim—are included at the end of this post and organized in chronological order of how I listened. If I get pissy in some of them, sorry not sorry. You can only hear so many people say, “Yeah this Wander Franco situation is gross but let’s talk about his card value” so many times before you begin to lose your shit.

What I learned

1. There are a lot of smart, thoughtful hobby podcasts. I know there’s talk the last few months that we’re in a “junk content” era, but that is incorrect. There’s always been useful content and lousy content. There just happens to be more total content now so, yes, while there is content that’s just noise, or even potentially dangerous, there is a lot more content that is worthwhile—content that moves our hobby forward through intelligent discussion or is just fun and entertaining. It’s important that we don’t falsely romanticize the past. When I started listening to hobby podcasts during the middle of 2021, there was one guy who recorded his weekly episode while taking walks around his neighborhood, panting incoherently into the mic of his smartphone There were countless pods, which have since vanished into the upper atmosphere, screaming about who to buy and flip and sell, and they were almost always hilariously wrong. If that wasn’t a junk content era, nothing is. Listen to what you like. Ignore what you don’t like.

2. Hobby podcasts are a diverse lot. There are podcasts about just being a collector; about investing; podcasts that mingle collecting and investing; podcasts about just hockey cards, and soccer cards, and baseball cards, and basketball cards (but interestingly I haven’t found one about just football cards); podcasts that try to teach the hobby; podcasts that make us laugh and provide levity; podcasts that discuss news and current events in sports cards; podcasts with longform interviews; and podcasts that try to sell us stuff. This gives us ample opportunity to, again, listen to what we like, and ignore what we don’t like.

3. I’m glad I took part in this experiment, but I’ll never do it again. I love hobby podcasts, but listening to such a high volume was awful. Seriously awful. Too much. On Tuesday of last week, the heaviest day, I listened to 13 podcasts with a total run time of 12 hours, 9 minutes. It nearly broke me. By about the eighth pod, hitting play on a new episode became a struggle. It was the closest I came to quitting before the week was up. Friday also had 13 episodes, but they were on average much shorter than Tuesday’s 13. Saturday also hit me hard because my family was home and I just wanted to hang with them, but for some reason instead of the usual 1-3 Saturday podcasts, that day I had to get through seven, including one that ran 146 minutes: Center Ice Card Cast. This hockey-card-centric podcast, immaculately produced with fun content, only drops once a month, so the runtime is justified. It was just coincidence that it happened to drop the same week I ran my experiment.

4. We need to talk about Wander Franco. Early last week, news broke that Franco might have had an illegal relationship with a minor. He left his team, the Tampa Bay Rays, while the story dominated not just the hobby cycle, but the larger sports-news cycle. The hobby podcast “Lemme Get That Podagraph,” hosted by Drew Herndon and Scott Rapoport, taught a master class in how to handle news like this professionally and delicately. They spent a decent amount of time first discussing the allegations and all the reporting that others have done, and they sourced everything. What is known and what isn’t known. Then, once that was laid out, they shared informed opinions. Then, finally, they briefly and tastefully discussed the potential effects on Franco’s card market. Take a bow, LGTP.

Unfortunately, that’s not how we, as a hobby, handled it collectively. Other attempts at coverage—not all, but some—ranged from paraphrasing crap from Twitter to gleaning whatever might have been said during a 30-second drive-by of ESPN. Worst of all was this all-too-common approach: “Oh yeah hey if the allegations are true Wander’s disgusting and should get punched in the face and thrown in jail, so let’s talk about why prospecting is hard!”

If we want to be taken seriously as a hobby, or as content creators, we need to follow LGTP’s example when it comes to sensitive and potentially criminal topics. Perspective. Sources. Patience. Tact. Be measured. Of course we should also talk about Franco’s card market—there’s a place for that—but let’s remember to first be human.

5. Audio quality matters. This used to be a bigger issue. It’s gotten better, but still, let’s remember that microphones matter and sound quality matters. Unless your guest is Pope Francis or Beyoncé, let’s urge them to get a decent mic so it doesn’t sound like they’re being interviewed in the depths of the Lincoln Tunnel. Francis and Beyoncé may do as they wish.

6. I’m taking a break from listening to hobby podcasts for at least one week. My daily IG post promoting each day’s podcasts will continue, but I don’t want to listen to anything related to cards for at least a week. From there, I’ll re-evaluate.

As for the results of my experiment, I can now say truthfully, without assumption or presumption, that I do not have time to listen to every hobby podcast, nor do I recommend anyone else try.

Lastly, here are my notes from last week on all 62 podcasts. Typos and all. As always, if you’d like to share your thoughts on this post or anything else, you can DM me on IG at @Iowa_Dave.


Listening to every hobby podcast for eight straight days: 8.13.23-8.20.23

SUNDAY, AUG. 13, 2023

Total podcasts to get through: 2

1. The Crossover (@cardboard_chronicles, @chris_hoj, @kristinaspc)

Episode title: Incoming … and Available

My key takeaway: Should in-person, on-card autos be considered part of the sports-card industry, or part of the sports-memorabilia industry? And since autos weren’t originally part of these cards, when graded should they be labeled “altered?”

State of mind: Strong. Sunday mornings are “me time.” My typical Sunday morning routine is to wake up early while everyone else in the house sleeps, feed the dogs, take them on a good walk, then go to the gym. The Crossover keeps me company.

2. Sports Cards Live (@jlee_sportscardslive)

Episode title: Introducing The National’s New Management Team

My key takeaway: The National’s management team, Brian Coppola, Joe Drelich and Jimmy Ryan, said all the right things, but ultimately very little is going to change. Out of one side of their mouths they said the way to create change is to get involved. Out of the other side of their mouths, they said—in not so many words—that given the current structure, getting involved can take years, which means the old guard will continue to have control for some time. Jeremy Lee did a great job with the interview. It’s hard to interview multiple people at once while juggling an opinionated comments section.

State of mind: While I listened to The Crossover straight through, by the time I got home from the gym the kids were awake, so I had to listen to this episode in fragments throughout the day. That was kind of nice since it broke up the duller (see: driving alone) moments.

Total listening time for Sunday: 4 hours, 15 minutes at 1x speed

MONDAY, AUG. 14, 2023

Total podcasts to get through: 8

3. Sports Card Therapist (@sportscardtherapist)

Episode title: Random Thoughts

My key takeaway: I was glad to hear him address the success of the previous week’s episode, “Collectors Discuss Their National Experiences.” I thought it was one of the best post-National episodes, period, and even DM’d him after listening to let him know how much I enjoyed it. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who felt that way.

State of mind: Fine. It was Monday morning. The day was just starting. I listened while walking the dogs and doing dishes.

4. Hobby News Daily (@hobbynewsdaily)

Episode title: Highest Selling Rookies from Topps Chrome!

My key takeaway: Jordan Walker still has some appeal. I know there was more to this episode, but as a Cardinals fan this was all I cared about.

State of mind: Fine. The episode was just 6 minutes yet still had utility.

5. 1988 Topps (@1988toppspodcast)

Episode title: Bill Swift (#117T)

My key takeaway: I’ve made no secret in the past that I love this podcast for its creativity and content. Billy Swift, along with Mark McGwire, had an iconic 1985 Topps USA card, so when he made it to the majors—and was actually quite good—it was a big-ish deal. This episode hit me in the nostalgia.

State of mind: This is a hard podcast to listen to at 1.5x speed—there’s so much info—so I slowed it down to 1x. Plus it was hard to pay attention since I was returning work emails.

6. Sports Card Nation (@sportscardnationpodcast)

Episode title: Turning Raw Into Graded

My key takeaway: I really wish I was better at this part of the hobby. Austin Carlson seems like he’s good at doing this, too, which helps fund his hobby experience. One of my problems is I don’t have much money to spend on cards, so when I do spend, I want to buy what I want to keep, not what I intend to buy, send off for grading, then flip.

State of mind: Still solid. John Newman knows how to organize a show. He’s efficient and informative. And entertaining. I always appreciate listening to John.

7. Sports Card Lessons (@sportscard_lessons)

Episode title: Card Profit Margins & Prospecting With Jordan

My key takeaway: This was the second straight podcast I’ve listened to that talks about buying raw, grading, and re-selling for profit. I’ve really really got to figure this out.

State of mind: Oh sure, nowwwww Ken puts out a longer episode. Just over an hour. Great episode, but this is going to be a long week. Also, typically SCL is always the first podcast I’ll listen to on days when a new episode drops, but I delayed it today to guarantee something enjoyable as I made my way through this adventure.

8. Hockey Card Gong Show (@hockey_cards_gongshow)

Episode title: Are Young Guns a Good Investment? Etc.

My key takeaway: I’m not a hockey collector. I own three hockey cards, all St. Louis Blues players. But I’ve always been curious about Young Guns purely from an informational POV, so this was a welcome episode. Also, they do the best-to-wear-the-jersey-number gimmick that others have used over the years. It’s interesting how the same ideas make their way around the circuit.

State of mind: Starting to fade. It’s not a reflection of the hosts. This is just a lot more content than I’m used to in one day.

9. Slabstox (@slabstox)

Episode title: FOOTBALL IS HERE! The Must See Cards on PWCC Weekly #82

My key takeaway: Aaron has turned into a hell of a host, setting things up for his co-hosts and guests. It’s not an easy thing to do. For real. There’s a reason why media personalities like Maria Menounos, Ernie Johnson and James Brown have such longevity. They’re traffic cops. They set the stage for everyone else, know when to talk and when to step back.

State of mind: This was fun! I used to listen to Slabstox’s Sunday show religiously, so this was a trip down memory lane. Plus, this week I bid on several items in the PWCC auction (won zero), so it was fun to hear them talk about it.

10. Cousins Collectibles (@cousins_collectibles  & @oz_the_peoples_mailman)

Episode title: Completed Rainbow & Mascot

My key takeaway: It’s no secret Tony and Oz have insane chemistry. They have such an easy style I could listen to them talk about anything. It helps that they have actual conversations. You can tell they’re listening to one another, which is not something all podcast co-hosts do for each other.

State of mind: I listened to the Cousins at 1x speed, but when Ezra Levine came on I sped it up to 2x. He’s been on at least a half-dozen card pods the last month and is basically just talking about his new venture, Mascot. Nothing personal – I just don’t need to hear it again. I wouldn’t have listened this time, either, if I hadn’t promised myself I would listen to every podcast episode this week.

Total listening time for Monday: 7 hours, 10 minutes, mostly sped up to 1.5x speed

TUESDAY, AUG. 15, 2023

Total podcasts to get through: 13

11. Dr. James Beckett Sports Card Insights (@doctorbeckett)

Episode title: 2022 Upper Deck Goodwin Champions Review

My key takeaway: It’s nice that there’s a mainstream card set that features athletes in less-popular sports.

State of mind: More than ever this week, I appreciate Dr. Beckett’s 15-minute-or-less episode format.

12. Carlson Cards Sports Card Podcast (@carlson_cards)

Episode title: Tom Brady & Most Insane Set Rainbow You Will Ever See

My key takeaway: Patience. Don’t be in such a rush. Hearing how Caleb (@powerwh33ls) built his collection over time, methodically, without jumping from whim to whim, made me think a little about my own collection.

State of mind: Strong. The morning dog walk and podcast listen rarely disappoints.

13. Sports Cards Live Auctions (@jlee_sportscardslive)

Episode title: PWCC Live: Weekly Hockey Auction

My key takeaway: The first of two SCL Auction podcasts on today’s docket, I needed to get strategic. Like I said before, I’m not a hockey collector, so I decided to get this one out of the way early in the day at 2x speed while I returned work emails and ran an errand.

State of mind: Strong enough. Jeremy Lee is such a gifted auction host that I don’t mind following along even when the topic isn’t my cup of tea.

14. Sports Card Nonsense (@sports_cards_nonsense)

Episode title: Wander Franco Placed on Restricted List, etc.

My key takeaway: It was cool hearing Jay from Mojo Sports let go of the steering wheel and become the guest instead of the star. I got to learn a little more about his process instead of the usual finished product. Plus, I don’t watch much YouTube content, so I wasn’t that familiar with him to begin with.

State of mind: Cautiously optimistic when the show opened and Mike didn’t complain about the theme music. When he complains about the music, it sometimes sets the tone for the show.

15. Sports Cards Live Auctions (@jlee_sportscardslive)

Episode title: MC Mondays Live

My key takeaway: At least twice I forgot I was listening to a pre-recorded call of the auction and got excited by an item coming up. Should I bid? Um …

State of mind: I’m not so much getting tired of card podcasts as I am by sound in general. Listening to this at the gym. Kind of just want to pull my AirPods out for a while.

16. Cards to the Moon (@cardstothemoon)

Episode title: Darrell “DC” Chan Returns to the Pod …

My key takeaway: I kind of felt done with National content and wasn’t especially looking forward to this, but it ended up being one of my favorite National recaps. The hosts and Chan brought a new perspective to the recap, one of a high-end collector who didn’t set up but found creative ways to have a successful show.

State of mind: Enjoyed this episode, but I’m starting to wish I hadn’t taken this whole experiment on.

17. Sports Card Strategy (@sportscardstrategy)

Episode title: Finding True Profits; Should You Buy …

My key takeaway: Lots of diversity in this episode. This is not a thrown-together podcast. It’s intentional and professional. If investing is your thing (it’s not mine, but I appreciate it) check it out.

State of mind: At 1 hour, 41 minutes, this took some effort. SCS’s Paul Hickey produces a great podcast, but I’ve reached the point where I can’t focus on words.

18. Retro Card Chat Podcast (@mikesretrotradingcards)

Episode title: Fantatics Sues Panini, Blake Martinez Banned from WhatNot …

My key takeaway: I just can’t today. I know have to, but I can’t. The previous week’s episode was titled “Breaking Down Panini’s Antitrust Lawsuit Against Fanatics …” and I don’t have the patience for this topic. Mike does a good job as host, and in the past I’ve listened to this podcast because I share his stick-up-for-the-average fan approach. Co-host EP seems like a guy I’d love to hang with and talk baseball cards. But this topic … today … it’s too much.

State of mind: I listened, of course. 2x speed. I took a two-hour break when done.

19. Hobby News Daily (@hobbynewsdaily)

Episode title: Bowman is Changing the Game!

My key takeaway: Topps’ new 1st Bowman Cards of Hall of Famers, like Roberto Clemente, feels misguided at best and downright disrespectful at worst.

State of mind: Better after my break. HND’s less than 10-minute format helps, too.

20. Soccer Cards United (@soccercardsunited)

Episode title: Dublin Comic Con, Topps UCL Sapphire …

My key takeaway: I love co-host Jason’s appearances on Sports Card Nonsense, but as a non-soccer collector I’m completely out of my depth on SCU. Hobby friends who collect soccer, however, support SCU as one of the best.

State of mind: Fine, I guess. Because of my own ignorance on this topic, I’m guessing 10 minutes in I stopped focusing and went about other things while this was on in the background.

21. The Hobby With Cage (@cagelawyer)

Episode title: National Treasure Series 2023: Cardladder’s Chris and Kristina

My key takeaway: Chris is a Hall of Fame hobby podcast guest, but Kristina really shined this episode. You get the sense as a collector that nothing makes her happier than ripping wax and talking cards.

State of mind: It’s almost never hard listening to a Cage podcast. So conversational. That’s the key.

22. Dangerous Games (@mrssquirts_cards and @recklesscards)

Episode title: Nothing to Gain and Everything to Lose: The Lawrence Taylor Story

My key takeaway: This … was … awesome! I deliberately saved this for late in the day because A) I’ll read or listen to anything about Lawrence Taylor, the undisputed greatest NFL defensive player ever, and B) this podcast (cards and crime) is right in my wheelhouse. Plus, there isn’t another podcast in the hobby anything like Dangerous Games.

State of mind: It’s late and I’m fading, but this topic got me through.

 23. WaxPack Hero (@waxpackhero)

Episode title: Female Athletes on Cards

My key takeaway: What can you say about host Mike Sommer? Consistent, professionally produced podcasts. You’re always in good hands. And when you add in a guest like Annemarie (@women.on.topps), it’s a recipe for a meaningful episode.

State of mind: I wish I’d listened to this earlier in the day. I rewound a few times because I kept missing things that I thought might be important. This was a long day.

Total listening time for Tuesday: 12 hours, 9 minutes at 1.5x and 2x speed, with a couple of exceptions at 1x.

WEDNESDAY, AUG. 16, 2023

Total podcasts to get through: 7. Eight came out this morning, but I don’t listen to Stacking Slabs on Wednesdays when released. I usually listen to Brett’s two weekly episodes back-to-back on Saturday mornings while I walk the dogs. The two always feel related, so I listen to them almost like one two-part podcast. If there’s no Crossover scheduled for that weekend, I save SSP for Sunday morning.

24. Pack to the Future (@packtothefuturepodcast)

Episode title: Bill’s Card Story

My key takeaway: PTTF hit a home run with these first-person card stories from listeners. Go back and listen to all of them if you have time. Such a great idea, one that makes me feel closer to people in the hobby, most who I don’t know on any level.

State of mind: Refreshed after a decent night’s rest. Relieved there are less podcasts than Tuesday.

25. Sports Card Investor (@sportscardinvestor)


My key takeaway: I don’t know.

State of mind: Fine.

26. Sports Cards Live (@jlee_sportscardslive)

Episode title: Ryan Sever, Author Cardboard Profit …

My key takeaway: This was Jeremy Lee’s first “Sports Card Podcast Accelerator” episode, a new theme focused on talking to people interested in content but unsure how to start. It’s a neat idea that, as it goes along, I think would benefit from an occasional co-host, since after a few episodes we’ll know what Jeremy’s advice might be, while it would be cool for a guest co-host to offer a different perspective.

State of mind: I’m in good shape. The new angle from SCL made for a fresh perspective.

27. Card Talk (@cardtalkpod)

Episode title: Busted NT Breaks & Way Too Early NFL Observations

My key takeaway: When you hear the 49ers’ Trey Lance catastrophe laid out like Ryan, Tyler and Lou lay it out, you realize just how monumental of an organizational miss it was by San Francisco.

State of mind: Listening to pods in the car is definitely the best way, for me, to listen. This was a breeze.

28. The Hobby With Cage (@cagelawyer)

Episode title: National Treasures 2023 with Basketball Card Guy

My key takeaway: Cool guest. Jon’s event-design, behind-the-scenes perspective gave us a post-National POV that no one else had.

State of mind: Definitely fatigued. I have two audio books locked and loaded. Eager to start them after this week.

29. Hobby News Daily (@hobbynewsdaily)

Episode title: Another Prospect Bites the Dust!

My key takeaway: Kind of a rough episode TBH. The playfulness of the title, from the clichéd “bites the dust” to the exclamation point made me think, “Oh did Jasson Dominguez get demoted?” But no, it was Wander Franco. The host did what he could, and I don’t envy him, but at this point it’s probably best to either frame this story within the context of a potential crime with a victim, or just don’t mention it at all, because at this stage of a situation such as this, prospecting Franco doesn’t matter, even to the hobby.

State of mind: Solid. Hobby News Daily made a great decision when they decided to keep these daily updates short.

30. Crosstown Cardboard (@carminescards and @newyorkcitysportscards)

Episode title: Finding Card Shops on Vacation

My key takeaway: As the episode title says, Carmine and Craig talked about hitting card shops on vacation, but what really stuck with me was Craig’s acquisition of an auto of Babe Ruth’s wife. I hope they revisit that card, because I want to hear what comes next.

State of mind: Today was easier after Tuesday’s content crush, but it’s still too much.

Total listening time for Wednesday: 3 hours, 40 minutes at 1x speed.

THURSDAY, AUG. 17, 2023

Total podcasts to get through: 10

31. Sports Card Lessons (@sportscard_lessons)

Episode title: Preparing for the East Coast National

My key takeaway: This is a fascinating time to be a dealer. With National over, the big run-up to football is over, too. Basketball isn’t quite here yet. Baseball is in the dog days. So what’s a dealer to do? This almost feels like September-October in the movie industry, when the studios unload all their unwanted leftovers into theaters because summer-blockbuster season is over and the Oscar push doesn’t begin until November.

State of mind: Always love starting the day with Sports Card Lessons. Still, there are 10 episodes to get through today. I’m going to have to straddle the line between pacing myself and making sure I get through everything.

32. Hobby News Daily (@hobbynewsdaily)

Episode title: Alabama Getting Their Own Bowman Product!

My key takeaway: Such a great episode. Good analysis about a product that seems like the beginning of a really big deal: Fanatics choosing to get behind (for now) just one school.

State of mind: Good. I’m rolling.

33. Dr. James Beckett Sports Card Insights (@doctorbeckett)

Episode title: Ramblings with Rich Klein 6.0

My key takeaway: Two friends talking about the hobby. Give me this any day and every day.

State of mind: I might regret listening to all of the short podcasts early in the day, but it’s just my mood right now.

34. Hockey Card Gong Show (@hockey_cards_gongshow)

Episode title: Common Mistakes Hockey Collectors Make, Stature …

My key takeaway: I might not be a hockey collector, but I appreciate well-made, professionally produced podcasts. This podcast is so good I actually went to eBay and ended up with a hockey card on my watchlist. (Note: I did not buy it.)

State of mind: At 1 hour, 41 minutes, this was a challenge, even at 1.5x speed while doing household chores. Again, that’s no reflection on the hosts. It was just a little hard for me to focus since I don’t collect hockey.

35. Wax Museum: A Basketball Card Podcast (@waxmuseumpodcast)

Episode title: Jake Roy … Shares his 10 Favorite Reggie Miller 90s Inserts

My key takeaway: People are kind. Kyle told the best story about an old NBA ref/MLB umpire who responded to Kyle’s correspondence after seven or eight years. Nice story.

State of mind: It’s going to be a long day. I love the content, but I’m just halfway through and already I’m wearing down.

36. The Sold Too Early Podcast (@soldtooearlypodcast)

Episode title: Distilling Discord Discussions

My key takeaway: It’s remarkable how much I’ve learned from Dave over the last year. Maybe he sees himself as a teacher and maybe he doesn’t, but that’s what he is to many of us in the hobby. This podcast is at its best when it’s prepping for a show, recapping a show, or when they have a guest. This week’s had none of those, but their deep dive into the NBA market, which is starting to ramp up, is what most caught my attention.

State of mind: I took a 2-hour podcast break before listening to take care of some work, so at this point I was somewhat refreshed.

37. Splendid Sports (@splendidsports)

Episode title: Rookie Card “3 And 3” With Victor …

My key takeaway: “It takes me back to that moment … it’s a missing component, I believe, in some of the hobby today.” – Victor (@true_rcs) on why he collects cards that connect him to his past.

State of mind: This interview blew me away. I’d heard Victor interviewed before, and other than disagreeing with him on the Jordan Star card (I believe it’s his true rookie, while Victor does not), I never remembered much. Through this interview, between Adam’s questions and Victor’s answers, I realized how much we have in common as collectors, both in terms of approach as well as the players to whom we connect. Wow.

38. The Hobby With Cage (@cagelawyer)

Episode title: National Treasures Series 2023 with Shaiwayvlogs

My key takeaway: There are more ways to consolidate cards than I realize.

State of mind: Fun interview, but I’m tired.

39. Mojobreak Media: The Hype (@mojobreak_com)

Episode title: How to Deal With Hobby Trolls …

My key takeaway: I was really impressed by Cody’s attempt to understand and articulate how the effect trolls have on underrepresented people in the hobby differs from how trolls might affect white men.

State of mind: Usually I listen to Mojobreak on my Thursday morning dog walk. Today, it’s my ninth podcast of the day and it’s 7 at night. It’s still a good listen, but I couldn’t be any less locked in.

40. Sports Card Therapist (@sportscardtherapist)

Episode title: Don’t Get Triggered w/Brent Weyer …

My key takeaway: Rob, deservedly, gets a lot of credit for his contribution to the overall hobby experience. It’s time he also gets credit for his interviewing skills. This wasn’t a butt-kissing episode, it was a respectful exploration and interrogation of Brent’s sometimes unpopular ideas. I can definitely be influenced, and I’ll be honest when I say that each time I hear Brent interviewed, he gets in my head.

State of mind: This interview perked me up. Thankfully for my sanity, this is my last podcast of the day.

Total listening time for Thursday: 7 hours, 5 minutes mostly at 1.5x speed. I listened to a few at 1x and one at 2x. 

FRIDAY, AUG. 18, 2023

Total podcasts to get through: 13. As always, I push Stacking Slabs to the weekend, and I don’t need to listen to my own podcast, The Shallow End, again.

41. Sports Card Investor (@sportscardinvestor)

Episode title: Major eBay Shakeup: Confirm Payment …

My key takeaway: Somehow I hadn’t heard before this podcast about eBay possibly charging cards at the time of bidding, not just sale. I think SCI’s weekly “Cards on the Table” episode is always informative and well executed. Kudos to T-Pot for bringing up eBay’s poor decision to not let buyers use their spendable funds on bidding and offers.

State of mind: As always when it comes to my first podcast of the day, just fine. It’s always nice to listen to discussions about cards while I walk the dogs.

42. Sports Card Madness (@bostoncardhunter)

Episode title: NBA Hall of Famer Adrian Dantley Talks …

My key takeaway: It was interesting to hear about the card industry from a player’s perspective. It’s a fun idea for an episode, but I wasn’t completely tuned in.

State of mind: Listened while waiting for the dealership to work on my kid’s car. I wasn’t really focused on anything.

43. Hobby News Daily (@hobbynewsdaily)

Episode title: The Hobbynewsdaily recap!

My key takeaway: At about 25 minutes, was this their longest episode ever? Good idea to use Friday’s episode to recap the week’s news.

State of mind: It’s been a weird week doing this experiment. I’d already heard all the stories in the recap, so I set it at 2x speed and played Immaculate Grid.

44. Lemme Get That Podagraph (@lgtppodcast)

Episode title: Bo Nickal Redemption Controversy …

My key takeaway: They did such a professional job discussing the Wander Franco allegations. By far they handled it the best of anyone, devoting a good chunk of time to the details, latest reporting, etc., and then—only after they had given the real-world effects its due attention, they briefly discussed the potential card implications. Well done.

State of mind: At first frustrated when I realized I’d have to listen to another Wander discussion, then uplifted by the quality and maturity of LGTP’s dialogue.

45. Sports Card Strategy (@sportscardstrategy)

Episode title: & Tell: Should You Buy Tons of Cheap Sleepers …

My key takeaway: I’ve been a part of SCS’s “& Tell” episodes a couple of times, and I love the concept. Like Pack to the Future’s “Card Stories,” you can never go wrong getting your audience involved.

State of mind: This was a well-done episode, but I’m so done listening to people talk about cards. I’m going to take an hour break until the next one.

46. Sports Card Nonsense (@sports_cards_nonsense)

Episode title: The People’s Episode!

My key takeaway: A Jackson Pollock painting translated into a podcast. It was an auditory version of a bunch of paint splattered against a canvas. That might sound critical, but it’s not. This episode was just a whirlwind. The Wander Franco discussion at the beginning was a tough listen, but the rest of the episode was fun.

State of mind: I don’t want to listen to any more podcasts, sports cards or otherwise. I think I’m done for a while. Possibly forever (not really, probably).

47. Sports Cards Live Auctions (@jlee_sportscardslive)

Episode title: Slab Sharks Live

My key takeaway: 152 minutes yet somehow still entertaining, a tribute to Jeremy Lee’s ability to combine stories, commentary, and audience interaction.

State of mind: Had to go 2x speed just because of how long it was. Live auction shows are enjoyable, even on an audio medium, when the host is able to paint pictures for the mind.

48. Slabstox (@slabstox)

Episode title: Why is the Hockey Card Market Going CRAZY?

My key takeaway: Although I learned which hockey cards are doing well at the moment, it remains unclear why the hockey card market is “going crazy.”

State of mind: This was cool. The host, Greg, brought the passion.

49. Dr. James Beckett Sports Card Insights (@doctorbeckett)

Episode title: Ramblings with David Marino

My key takeaway: I’d heard from others that David Marino, whom I haven’t met, was the “unofficial host of the National,” (or something like that). After listening to this, I get it. I’d like to hire him to psych me up each day.

State of mind: I’m ready to be done with this, but Dr. Beckett’s short format and quick-fire conversations have a way of getting me through.

50. The Hobby With Cage (@cagelawyer)

Episode title: National Treasures Series 2023 with the 2Thicc Crew

My key takeaway: Manny walking away from a live podcast at The National killed me.

State of mind: I don’t know. Show was good, but I’m OD’ing on content.

51. The Basketball Card Podcast (@thereal27guy)

Episode title: Four Card Stories From the 90’s …

My key takeaway: I can’t get past the fact that these two well-known sports-card personalities were childhood friends. One of my oldest friends and I sometimes send cheap cards to each other as presents. It’s the best.

State of mind: It’s easy to feel good while listening to friends talk about cards, even if they’re not your friends.

52. Sports Card Nation (@sportscardnationpodcast)

Episode title: Live from the NSCC Mainstage w/ …

My key takeaway: Andy Friedman’s explanation of how to be an artist: Just create something and be willing to show it to people.

State of mind: I missed this panel at National, so it was nice to hear it, albeit belatedly. But I’m so done with content. I don’t even want to watch TV with my family. I feel bombarded by sound.

53. Cousins Collectibles (@oz_the_peoples_mailman & @cousins_collectibles)

Episode title: Big Mail Day

My key takeaway: The idea of starting a National piggy bank, even though we’re still more than 11 months from next year’s National. Such a smart idea.

State of mind: What mind? Too … much … content. I’m fading.

Total listening time for the Friday: 10 hours, 38 minutes almost entirely at 1.5x speed, with two at 2x and two at 1x.

SATURDAY, AUG. 19, 2023

Total podcasts to get through: seven. This includes the two Stacking Slabs podcasts from Wednesday and Friday I always stash away for my Saturday morning walk with the dogs.

54. Stacking Slabs (@stackingslabs)

Episode title: How to Communicate with Other Collectors When …

My key takeaway: Brett talked early on in this episode about the sheer volume of content being produced right now, and brother, I can relate.

State of mind: Fantastic. I’m walking the dogs, it’s early and temps are in the low-to-mid 60s, and Stacking Slabs is in my ears. Life is good.

55. Stacking Slabs (@stackingslabs)

Episode title: The Persistence and Steps Required to Obtain …

My key takeaway: Mikey Osborn’s determination to get his grail Randy Moss—one he had passed on at an earlier point in his collecting—was riveting. You could tell he hated having to give up some rare cards to get the Moss, but some cards are worth sacrificing for the right card.

State of mind: All good.

56. The Card Diary, By Hobby S. Thompson (@denny_cards)

Episode title: Grading – I didn’t Have a Gem Mint Childhood

My key takeaway: Denny is trying to get active professional graders on his show. I want that to happen so badly. I know I’d be all about a Card Diary episode with a grader as a guest, and I’m sure others would be into it, too.

State of mind: I’m in a good spot. This was just Denny talking to his audience. Nice and easy, although I am very ready for this little experiment of mine to be over.

57. The Hobby With Cage (@cagelawyer)

Episode title: National Treasures Series 2023 with Josh from PC Sportscards

My key takeaway: This was fascinating because earlier in the day I listened to Stacking Slabs with guest Mike Osborn, who talked about his deal for an insane Randy Moss card at National that he made with PC Sportscards. Cage’s guest in this episode was Josh from PC Sportscards, who talked about a deal PC made with a guy (Osborn) at National. It was cool to hear about the deal separately from the two sides.

State of mind: This is the first day I’ve resented having to listen to all of these. Yes, I know I made a choice to do this, and I can stop whenever I want, but I’ve come this far and I’m going to finish.

58. Soccer Cards United (@soccercardsunited)

Episode title: The Weekend Ahead: Women’s World Cup …

My key takeaway: I had disengaged from the World Cup since the U.S. got eliminated. This brought me up to speed.

State of mind: A perfect 8-minute update episode!

59. Center Ice Card Cast (@centericecardcast)

Episode title: 2023 National Sports Collectors Convention

My key takeaway: I can’t remember which host said it, but I loved the point that sometimes the types of cards you buy at a card show—especially National—are not always the same types of cards you’ll buy off eBay. That really speaks to the difference to seeing cards listed online vs. in-person, and also probably the urge to buy buy buy at National (or at least my urge).

State of mind: Although the content was enjoyable, at 2 hours, 26 minutes, this episode sent me reeling. I look forward to listening to these guys at a later date when I’m in a better place. But yeah, this was a knockout punch.

60. Pack to the Future (@packtothefuturepodcast)

Episode title: 90’s Basketball Inserts With Jake Roy

My key takeaway: This made me miss my complete 1993-94 Topps Finest refractor set—as I listened to the podcast. Afterward, my sadness went away because I remembered I didn’t actually enjoy having it nearly much as I did collecting it. It was just kind of … there. So, I sold it.

State of mind: So glad today’s listening is over. One day to go. Neighbors are coming over tonight for drinks and I want to talk and think about anything but sports cards.

Total listening time for the Saturday: 5 hours, 34 minutes almost entirely at 1.5x speed, with one at 2x and the two Stacking Slabs at 1x.

SUNDAY, AUG. 20, 2023

Total podcasts to get through: 2.

61. The Crossover (@cardboard_chronicles, @chris_hoj, @kristinaspc)

Episode title: Card!

My key takeaway: Chris’s thoughts on some peoples’ lack of appreciation or understanding of money management, and how they’d rather spend it in the moment or on experiences, was straight out of Debord’s Society of the Spectacle.

State of mind: Groggy. Woke at 5 a.m. to feed and walk the dogs before the multi-day heatwave set in later in the day.

62. Sports Cards Live (@jlee_sportscardslive)

Episode title: Litigation Update: Panini vs. Fanatics & More … Paul Lesko

My key takeaway: Having Paul Lesko on for the 2+ hour format was perfect. Lesko’s great on Twitter, but there’s SO MUCH litigation out there right now that having him condensed in one place, just, yes please.

State of mind: Pleased that the last podcast of this experiment was also one of the most informative episodes of the week. Not a wasted moment. That said, I’m taking a few days off—at least—from sports-cards content.

Total listening time for Sunday: 4 hours, 24 minutes.

Total listening time over eight days: 54 hours, 55 minutes


The Shallow End podcast archive


44 Takeaways From My First National